:: History of Friars Lodge
lodge and Friar's Street in which it is situated
take their name from the ruined Carmelite Friary
nearby. The Carmelite Order was founded by St. Berthold,
on Mount Carmel in Palestine, in 1214. The friary,
dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, near Abbey
Well in Kinsale, was founded by Robert Fitzrichard
Balrain in 1334. During the period of the sectarian
Penal Laws the friars, despite great danger maintained
a presence in or around the town and as a result
have always had a special relationship with the
townspeople of Kinsale - a relationship which still
exists today.
Kinsale was a walled town and a section of this
wall ran parallel to Friar's Street, behind Friar's
Lodge - a segment of this wall still stands nearby
today. In 1381, the Charter of King Richard 2nd
recites the town of Kinsale being on the seashore
and 'having of late received great insult or attack
from the Spanish and Irish enemies, and English
rebels, who designed the destruction thereof, the
King, considering the safety of the town, and desirous
that it be surrounded by a stone wall, did hereby
commit to the custody of the provost the small custom
of the said town to be used for the building of
these walls' (Council Book of Kinsale) There were
a number of gates allowing entry to the town and
one of these gates, known as Friar's Gate, situated
at the upper end of Friar Street, was used by the
friars to gain access to the town and by farmers
and traders bringing goods and produce into market.
A toll was imposed at the gate on all merchandise
brought to market.

In 1601 the Carmelite Friary and Friars Gate played
a prominent part in the Battle of Kinsale. A Spanish
force of 3,800 men, under the leadership of Don
Juan del Aquila, landed in Kinsale on September
22 (old style calendar) and took possession of the
town. They came to support the rebellion of the
northern chieftains Hugh O' Neill and Hugh O' Donnell
against the English Crown. They set about reinforcing
the old walls and building defensive works. The
English forces arrived three weeks later and laid
siege to the town. The Friary, although outside
the town walls, was held in strength by the Spaniards
but was subject to such a terrible bombardment by
the English that it was battered to pieces, and
by December 20th was no longer tenable. The defeat
of the Irish forces on December 24th 1601, and the
later surrender of the Spanish forces in the town,
signaled the end of the old Irish clan system and
led to over three centuries of further English occupation
in Ireland.
Visitors to County Cork may have noticed a group
of men on the road playing an ancient game of road
bowling. The game usually involves two or more men
throwing a 28oz. iron "bowl" over a designated
course, the object being to complete the course
in the least number of "throws". The game
is played in only two counties in Ireland -Cork
and Armagh. It is claimed that this game originated
during the Battle of Kinsale. The story goes that
the Spanish soldiers, while often engaged in fierce
combat, also had long periods of inactivity and
boredom, and to entertain themselves hurled iron
cannon balls along the ramparts.It
is interesting to note that the deeds of 10 Friar's
Street - Friar's Lodge - entitle the owners under
an old permit to connect with the old town wall
subject to a payment to the Kinsale Urban Council
of the munificent sum of one shilling and three
pence three farthings (.08 Cents) a year.
Friar's Street, at one stage had two shops, a blacksmith's
forge, a bonded warehouse, and of course the Church
of St. John the Baptist - the Parish Church - is
located there. This church was erected in 1831 on
the earlier site of a smaller church built in 1809.
The ancient Church of St. Multose nearby was erected
by the Normans on the site of a sixth century church
built by a Christian saint of the same name. The
image of St. Multose over the west door shows him
bearing a stone on his right shoulder to indicate
his fame as a builder.
is a traditional story told in Kinsale that when
the saint was building his Church he asked the local
men for help. They refused to help him and he cursed
them, proclaiming that only a stranger would prosper
in Kinsale henceforth. The curse worked for many
years as few locals prospered in town but the Tierney
family have proved that the curse no longer works.
The church has witnessed many historic events including
the proclamation of King Charles 2nd as King of
England by Prince Rupert, nephew of Charles 1st,
eleven years before he was eventually proclaimed
King in Westminster Abbey in 1660. Prince Rupert
was in the harbour with a fleet of ships in 1649
and hearing of his uncle's execution took this dramatic
Friar's Lodge served as a temporary hospital in
the early years of the twentieth century. John Joseph
Tierney, father of the present owner Finbarr Tierney,
was born here in 1918. Apparently the local hospital
was damaged during the troubled times in this period.
Friar's Lodge was then owned by an Elizabeth Jane
Bolton, who died on the 25th June 1924 having previously
made her last will whereby she devised all her property
to David Howe Acton, as her executor, to sell the
same and apply the proceeds as required by her will.
Howe Acton was a member of an old established family
in Kinsale, who had extensive business interests
in the town and surrounding area. The family owned
a hardware store, printing works, builder's provider's
yard, an undertaking business, taxi service, and
a garage. In addition they owned various properties
in Kinsale and a large farm on the outskirts of
the town. David Howe Acton was active in many local
organisations and was Chairman of the Kinsale Urban
Council for a number of years. He also acted as
an auctioneer and in this capacity he sold the family
farm in Ballinacubby to John Joseph Tierney. David
Howe Acton had a large family of 13 children and
when his wife died in childbirth he was forced to
raise them on his own.
David Howe Acton, in his capacity as executor, sold
the property, now known as Friar's Lodge, in December
1924 to one Nora Lehane (Spinster) for the sum of
£250 (€317.50). Little is known of this
lady, except she continued to rent the property
to the South Cork Board of Public Works for use
as a temporary hospital at a yearly rent of £50
(€ 63.50) including rates. Nora Lehane in turn
sold the property in February
1934 to Thomas Francis Ryan for the sum of £285
Thomas Francis Ryan was the fifth generation of
a family of lighthouse keepers and bought the property
as a retirement home. He was born on Eagle Island,
where there were two lighthouses, and remembered
one being washed away by the sea in December 1894,
while he and his two sisters were there. He served
on lighthouses all around the Irish coast and, while
stationed at the Old Head of Kinsale lighthouse,
he met and married Catherine Galvin from Kilcoleman,
a nearby townland. Catherine's brother was a publican
and jarvey in Kinsale. He owned several horses and,
on being asked to care for the house and garden
in Friar's Street, took one of his horses in the
front door, through the hallway, and up the steps
to the garden, in order to keep the grass down.
the war years Thomas Ryan brought his grandchildren
and their parents from England and Northern Ireland.
They lived on the upper floors of the house and
had many happy memories of their years there. The
young beautiful raven haired Ryan girls, with their
laughing eyes and peaches and cream complexion,
set many a young man's heart racing until they were
unfortunately forced to emigrate back to England
during economically depressed times in Ireland.
Thomas Francis Ryan sold the property to his daughter,
Elizabeth Ryan (spinster) in September 1945 for
the sum of £250 (€ 317.50) for the premises
and £50 (€ 63.50) in respect of the furniture
and fittings. Elizabeth Ryan ran a traditional guesthouse
business here and was well known for her cooking
and baking skills. She was also skilled in needle
and crochet work which was much in demand. On 12th
September 1957 Elizabeth Ryan ceased to be a spinster
when she married William Thomas Evans, a Welshman.
Perhaps her cooking skills stole his heart.
Elizabeth Evans began keeping guests in 1945 and
for many years afterwards, Kinsale was not the bustling
tourist town it is today. It was a sleepy backwater
with little work and less prospects for its people.
There were few cars and fewer still visitors came
to Kinsale. Those who did invariably arrived by
public transport. Crime was almost non-existent
in the town and to ensure it remained so the local
detective made it his business to meet each bus
on its arrival and follow any stranger who alighted
to his lodging. This ensured he knew the whereabouts
of every newcomer should anything untoward happen
in town. There can be no doubt he took many a trip
to Friar's Street.
Elizabeth Mary Evans sold the property which she
described as the Georgian, Friar's Street to Sicander
Adam of Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey in October 1974
in consideration of the sum of £10,000 (€12,700).
Sicander Adam was born in East Africa of Indian
descent but subsequently left Africa and settled
in England. He later went to his ancestral home
of India, ostensibly to settle there, but he was
appalled by the poverty and conditions he encountered
and returned to England.
Sicander Adam continued to run a guest house business
on the property and also had an interest in a restaurant
and bar in Main Street, Kinsale. In addition he
operated a business as an antique dealer and specialised
in brass objects. Finbar and Maureen Tierney, the
present owners, purchased the property, now known
as Friar's Lodge, in May 2001 from Sicander Adam.
Finbar and Maureen Tierney have run a number of
successful businesses in Kinsale. They were the
proprietors of the Armada bar before Finbar decided
to leave the bar business and set up as a building
contractor. He has since completed a large number
of residential and business units both locally and
throughout the Cork area. They operated a guest
house in the town which they had owned for many
years and were also proprietors of a launderette.
Friar's Lodge has been developed to the highest
standards of modern comfort and luxury. While achieving
these standards the Tierney family also ensured
that Friar's Lodge blended with the local streetscape
and conformed to the customs and traditions of this
old historic town. They retained and enhanced the
magnificent hanging slated frontage which was such
a feature of the architecture old Kinsale and while
the building has the most modern amenities and decor,
it still retains an aura of its historic past.
The Carmelite Friars in Kinsale were always noted
for their tradition of providing hospitality and
extending the hand of friendship to travelers arriving
in Kinsale.
and Maureen Tierney have continued this tradition
and their guests can be assured that their stay
at Friar's Lodge will remain a memorable one.
